If you are running docker on an Internet server, you would have noticed that it opens all container mapped ports in the host’s internet/external IP interface. This is a huge security nightmare with ports getting opened without any warning. Getting around this problem is another nightmare. Even if you modify UFW rules, it does not work as docker manipulates ip-tables directly. Even if you...
Xiaomi Mi Band 3 vs Mi Band 4. What’s new and what’s not.
The Xiaomi Mi Band 3 was launched on May 31, 2018 in India and it took several months to reach the Indian shores. It was finally launched in India on September 24th, 2018 in India and was available through the Mi stores, Mi.com and Amazon.in. The fitness tracker was a massive hit and Xiaomi claimed that in May 2019 that it had sold over 1 million units since its launch (in...
Mobile phone cover is #1 mobile phone accessory and how I bought one from Cool Mango!
Well no time no post 🙁 Life has made me busy…But finally hear it goes…. Mobile phones have become a hot commodity in the Indian market with every major player launching a new model every other week. The market is flooded with so many options of mobile handsets with various specs and various price ranges. The end user is not only spoilt for choice but sometimes too confused on what mobile phone to...
WordPress Older Posts Widget
For another WordPress blog which I maintain, I required a widget which will display older posts. The WordPress blog’s home page displayed 10 recent posts. But there were at least 15 other older posts that needed some exposure. I needed a widget which would display the older posts starting from the 11th post on the home page side bar. I was surprised to find there existed no such widget in...
Bulk delete pending wordpress comments
Been under a comment spam attack lately? Or you just did not have time to delete spam comments over several months and you now have hundreds of spam comments that needs be deleted page by page using the wordpress admin? Don’t fret, there are a couple of easy ways to bulk delete pending comments in your wordpress blog.
Superfast way to setup phpMyAdmin : Simple as 1-2-3
A quick & simple 2 minute method of setting up phpMyAdmin in your host to manage MySQL databases.
RSS Feeds: What is it? How can you use it?
A very simple but elaborate explanation of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds and how it benefits everyday web users. It�s advantages and benefits to site owners
Remove link to comment authors website from wordpress Comments
Are you tired of moderating, removing or editing the URLs of people who post comments in your wordpress blog? Are you sick of all the comment spammers who post those cookie cutter comments using scripts in your blog just to post links in your blog via the comment links to comment authors site? Well I was! And that’s when I decided that I would hack the wordpress code a little bit to totally...
How to Move or Rename your windows profile folder
You may want to rename or move the folder in which Windows stores your profile information for one of the following reasons •You have renamed your user account via computer management and windows still uses the folder with the old username to store your profile information. •You want to move the profile folder from its default location to a different location for reasons like backing up, making...
Google Local business [India] date bug
Few moments ago submitted my organization’s listing to Google [India] Local business(still in Beta). Located a silly bug which should have never been carried on till the beta phase.